Ratchet Release Shackle

Piling Shackles are designed specifically for pitching trench sheets and piles using appropriate lifting equipment.

Their purpose of the shackle is to enable sheet piles to be lifted vertically into temporary guides and then released quickly and safely from ground level once the sheet or pile is secured.

The shackles have the advantage that the release mechanism is operated from ground level. This speeds up the positioning of the piles, saving time and money and increases safety on what has traditionally been a slow and laborious task.

n.b. They must not be used for pile extraction

Technical Library

Shoring Manual for Shallow Excavations

Shoring Manual for Shallow Excavations

Manual for specifying equipment for shallow excavations


Shoring Manual for Manhole and Trench Boxes

Shoring Manual for Manhole and Trench Boxes

Shoring Manual for Manhole and Trench Boxes