Qualitative Face Fit Testing

30 minutes

Qualitative Face Fit Testing is used to determine the seal quality of disposable half-masks. Additionally, this testing can be deployed for re-usable half mask respirator fit tests.

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Qualitative Face Fit Testing relies on the person’s sense of taste (i.e. taste response) to determine the mask’s effectiveness. Essentially, this testing uses an individual’s own perception, often via taste (hence the “taste method”) to determine whether a mask fits correctly. Specifically, the tester is looking to detect face seal through a strong tasting challenge agent, i.e. bitter or sweet.


The process of Qualitative Face Fit Testing is relatively simple and straightforward. This often begins with the subject being tested wearing a polypropylene hood with a clear PVC panel. The hood is worn without the mask. Typically the tester will then spray a strong tasting solution into the hood and request that the individual indicate when they have sensed/tasted the solution. This process simply determines the quantity of solution, which will be required during the administration of the test.

Next, the subject being testing will be required to place on the mask to be tested along with the polypropylene hood. Lastly, the individual will carry out a few light and basic tasks in order to create a variety of movements. The purpose of this exercise is to simulate typical working conditions. If the subject can taste the solution during this process the tester then determine that the seal of the mask is not effective or acceptable.


Qualitative Face Fit tests require the same seven-test exercise protocol as other methods described in INDG 479, but can only be employed for fit testing of filtering facepieces (disposable masks) and half masks, not full face masks. This method involves both a ‘Sensitivity Test’ and ‘Fit Test’ step, which must both be conducted with the same test agent.

Pre-test Information for Face Fit Testing

  • All individuals must be medically fit to conduct a Face Fit Test in accordance with the INDG479. Guidance can be found here: https://www.fit2fit.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Guidance-on-RPE-Fit-testing.pdf
  • No smoking, vaping, eating or drinking for up to one hour before the test. This includes chewing gum and sweets. Non-flavoured water is allowed.
  • Those being face fit tested should have basic knowledge of Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) prior to their test. Vp plc Groundforce Training Services can provide RPE training if required.
  • Each mask is one test and each test will take approximately 30 minutes. If several people are being tested in the same day, as often is the case, it’s advisable to create a face fit testing schedule.
  • If head mounted PPE is normally worn (Hard hat, Ear defenders, Eye wear including prescription glasses), these must be worn throughout the test.
  • Only RPE that conforms to CE/UKCA approval will be tested. Our tester will check and verify that the RPE is in suitable condition to be tested on and non-maintained or damaged masks may appropriately be refused.
  • All individuals must be clean shaven, Mechanical razors may not provide a close enough shave. Please see above image guide to what is acceptable and unacceptable. Anyone not clean shaven will be refused a test and still charged.

Is Qualitative Face Fit Train the Tester Training Required?

Why not book one of our Train the Tester training courses and carry out your own internal testing.

Note on Fit2Fit

Face Fit Testing is provided by a Fit2Fit Accredited Provider, but any Face Fit ‘training’ or instruction provided is not Fit2Fit accredited. This is because Face Fit Train the Tester instruction can’t be Fit2Fit accredited. It’s the provider themselves who are a Fit2Fit certified provider

Note on Fit2Fit