Mr Cropper: 24 Years of successfully Serving House Builders

12 Sep

With a drive for new housing potentially just around the corner, contractors and house building developers can be assured that Mr Cropper has the capacity and range of equipment to meet any new increase in demand. We offer solutions for a wide variety of pile cropping applications to meet the specific requirements of the house building sector.

Effective Croppers for House Building Projects

For house building projects, the three most widely used croppers are Single Bar Croppers, Multi Bar Croppers and Power Croppers: these are preferred as they are compatible with the pre-cast piles predominantly used on housing projects. Let’s take a closer look at these three models that make up 90% of the croppers used in house building:

  • Single Bar Pile Croppers

The Single Bar Pile Cropper is a specialised attachment that utilises the excavator’s hydraulic power to sever concrete piles. It is designed to cut square, pre-cast piles that have a single rebar reinforcement. Able to cut in increments of 200mm, the steel rebar is then cut to finished size using the same equipment.

Single Bar Pile Croppers are ideal for house building projects and structures where piles are driven deep into the ground and their tops trimmed to size.

  • Multi-Bar Croppers

As with the Single Bar Pile Cropper, the Multi-Bar Cropper is typically mounted on an excavator to produce a powerful hydraulic force that uses multiple cutting blades to simultaneously crop square, pre-cast piles with up to eight steel rebar.

Multi-Bar Croppers fit the needs of house building or commercial projects within an urban or densely populated environment where noise mitigation and speed of operation is paramount. Cutting in 300mm increments, up to 200 piles can be processed in one day; a key benefit for house builders who may be facing tight deadlines.

  • Power Croppers

Power Croppers are designed for the ultra-fast pile reduction of pre-cast, four bar piles. The Power Cropper can break off the concrete pile and steel rebar in one go and then nibble the pile leaving the rebar exposed.

The Power Cropper’s ability to captivate cropped concrete within its frame makes for easy transport and waste disposal; a convenient way of maintaining a safe, tidy building site that’s free from clutter and obstacles.

Introducing the Motocut:

Offering the very latest in pile cutting technology, the innovative Motocut incorporates twin diamond coated circular cutting blades that perform concrete pile cutting up to five time faster than conventional methods. The system has a water jet function that not only cools the blades but also acts as a dust suppression system; perfect for house building projects where safe reduction and removal of circular and square piles is required.

Easy to transport and connect to an excavator’s hydraulic system, the Motocut can cut concrete piles from 180mm to 350mm square, leaving a precise flat and smooth surface. The MotoCut’s versatility is taken to the next level by the ‘Tiltrotator’ which allows the operator to rotate and tilt the entire machine, allowing access in those tight spaces often encountered by house builders.

Key benefits of choosing Mr Cropper for your house building project

  • Largest fleet in the industry: We have the exact cropper you need at a time that suits you
  • Nationwide service: Our three centralised UK depots means we can get to your site quickly and efficiently
  • Complimentary site surveys: Ensuring your construction project gets off to the best possible start
  • Free testing and commissioning: We will test and check our equipment before we leave your site, giving you complete peace of mind

Why not get in touch…

Speak to our team who will be happy to discuss your house building project and work with you to prepare a plan by recommending the best cropper for the job and agreeing a mutual timeframe. Contact us today for more details on how we can get your project underway.