Industry Resources

The Top 10 Benefits of Hiring Pipe Stoppers and Pressure Testing Equipment

The Top 10 Benefits of Hiring Pipe Stoppers and Pressure Testing Equipment - 20/08/24

In construction and utilities, having access to the right equipment at the right time is crucial. At Stopper Specialists, we aim to provide an efficient and flexible solution by offering high-quality pipe stoppers and pressure testing equipment for hire. Here’s an overview of the benefits of hiring our equipment and how it can support your business operations.

The Importance of Coil Awareness Training

The Importance of Coil Awareness Training - 14/08/24

Accidents occurring within the construction sector post-pandemic has seen a 70% increase with the industry reporting twice as many deaths compared to agriculture, forestry and mining. This HSE data highlights that while safety is viewed as paramount, the fact remains that fatal injury in construction was five times higher than the average across all industries from the period 2023/24 with the most common causes being falls from height, being struck by a moving object and being struck by a moving vehicle.

What is Hydrostatic Testing?

What is Hydrostatic Testing? - 14/08/24

Hydrostatic testing is the most commonly used procedure for checking the performance of pipes, boilers and pressure vessels. The method is used to highlight any flaws or damage that could result in a pressure loss. The industry generally considers this to be the safest method of pressure testing and for identifying potential leaks, strength or structural issues.

What is Pressure Testing?

What is Pressure Testing? - 14/08/24

Pressure testing is conducted to WIS 4-01-03 or IGN 4-01-03, depending on the pipe material, to ensure the pipe meets the required standards. Find out more about the purpose of pressure testing.

What is the Piletec Vibration Monitor?

What is the Piletec Vibration Monitor? - 12/01/24

This Vibration Monitor is the most efficient and high-quality vibration monitoring system on the market: it uses advanced Micro-Electromechanical Systems (MEMS) technology. Read our list of FAQ's to find out more.

Supporting Infrastructure with Short Term Shoring Solutions

Supporting Infrastructure with Short Term Shoring Solutions - 29/03/21

This industry resource discusses shoring for infrastructure projects. Including irregular shaped excavations and tips on a more more flexible temporary working environment.

Excavator Attachments: Safety in Construction

Excavator Attachments: Safety in Construction - 03/03/21

This article discusses the positive effect excavator attachments has had on safety within the construction industry. The article highlights areas such as Protection from flying debris, Manual handling and Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS).

Benefits of Trench Boxes

Benefits of Trench Boxes - 26/01/21

This article discusses the benefits of using trench boxes in excavations. Specifically looking at the advantages of the Groundforce Shorco 5.0m box range.

Excavator Attachments: Reducing Environmental Impact

Excavator Attachments: Reducing Environmental Impact - 08/12/20

The continued trend in construction to re-imagine manual power tools by connecting them to an excavator’s hydraulic system has opened up a whole new world of possibilities: this has led to an extended range of excavator attachments becoming widely available and Groundforce Attachments are leading players in the UK supply chain.

YourSolution FAQ

YourSolution FAQ - 16/11/20

The team at Groundforce answer the most frequently asked questions on the new YourSolution tool

The ‘Excavator Attachments’ Revolution

The ‘Excavator Attachments’ Revolution - 16/11/20

This industry resource will look into the development of Excavator Attachments, highlighting some of the latest attachments products such as: Augers, Compactors, Shears, Selector Grapples and Hydraulic Hammers.

Trench Box Guide & FAQs

Trench Box Guide & FAQs - 09/09/20

This industry resource talks through the frequently asked questiosn of trench boxes. Such as when should a trench box be used?

Trench & Manhole Box System Design Methodology

Trench & Manhole Box System Design Methodology - 15/07/20

What is Excavation Safety?

What is Excavation Safety? - 02/08/18

Excavation Safety involves the removal of materials (usually soil) to dig into the ground, creating space for a variety of construction works. This ranges from installing building foundations, to creating trenches that allow pipework and other utilities to be laid. Excavations carry a variety of health and safety risks, ranging from cave-ins to falls, and these dangers must be mitigated accordingly.

What are Temporary Bridges?

What are Temporary Bridges? - 30/07/18

Temporary Bridges are used to provide site access for construction vehicles and operatives. They are generally between four and twelve meters long, and can be flat-packed for easy transportation and storage.

Key Elements of Successful Sheet Pile Driving

Key Elements of Successful Sheet Pile Driving - 25/07/17

There are many design and analytic techniques at the disposal of engineers when it comes to determining the most effective installation methods of sheets and piles.

YourSolution or YourSolution+

YourSolution or YourSolution+

YourSolution+ and YourSolution are intended to run in parallel with each other. Read our article to find out more about the key differences.

YourSolution+ FAQs

YourSolution+ FAQs

Take a look at our YourSolution+ FAQs to find out more about the system.

Reducing Ground Vibrations During the Piling Process

Reducing Ground Vibrations During the Piling Process

Pile driving in close proximity to domestic dwellings, roads or buried services may attract restrictions on noise and vibration; restrictions that could be easily avoided by using a Piletec High frequency FSV.

Pile Installation Methods

Pile Installation Methods

Piles are an essential part of the construction industry. They’re used to provide much needed support to both permanent and temporary installations, including buildings, bridges and industrial structures. Because of their usefulness and ease of use, piles have become a fairly common sight both within and outside of the construction industry.

Piling - Getting it Right

Piling - Getting it Right

Piling is one of the most important elements when it comes to preparing a construction site.

Piling - What Exactly is Piling

Piling - What Exactly is Piling

Perhaps you’re new to the world of construction…if so, it always helps to have a useful reference guide as to what the construction terms actually mean. Here’s a guide to piling.

Piling Equipment - Product Overview

Piling Equipment - Product Overview

Piling Equipment features in many different construction projects, whether you are driving, extracting, or dealing with foundation problems, Piletec can offer you total piling solutions. Our guide below directs you through the benefits and methods of some of our vast product range.

Pile Installation

Pile Installation

Piling is an essential technique used in the construction industry to strengthen excavations and provide vital support for below-ground projects. In fact, without piling it’d be almost impossible to develop the sorts of buildings we take for granted today: high rise apartments, office blocks, car parks and residential homes with basements.

Interesting facts about Piling Equipment

Interesting facts about Piling Equipment

When it comes to construction, using piling equipment is of high importance, it plays a major role in construction projects, and various building sites need them at some point during the build.

What is a Mini Box?

What is a Mini Box?

Mini boxes are a straightforward method of shoring trenches. In most cases, they comprise two robust metal panels, with struts spanning between them.Mini boxes are often used in conjunction with other shoring and excavation safety equipment, such as handrails, ladders and fencing. The boxes themselves ensure the structural integrity of the trench.

What are Air Testers?

What are Air Testers?

Air Testers are specialized pieces of equipment that are designed to test the quality, ‘tightness’ or escape of air in a number of industrial applications. Current regulations mandate three different types of air testing take place on a construction site.

What is the Greatest Risk with Excavations?

What is the Greatest Risk with Excavations?

All construction projects carry with them some degree of risk – not just excavations. However, excavation is widely accepted to be one of the most dangerous construction jobs around. Every year dozens of people are injured in excavation accidents, with some even losing their lives.

What is Considered a ‘Deep Excavation’?

What is Considered a ‘Deep Excavation’?

Excavation projects come in all different shapes and sizes, ranging from long and shallow to focussed and deep. The length and depth of an excavation is entirely dependent upon the purpose for which the excavation is being carried out.

What is a Battered Wall?

What is a Battered Wall?

A battered wall is a common element in construction, and one which is most often found in an excavation environment. In simple terms, it is any kind of wall that has been built with an intentional slope; the word ‘batter’ in this context is an architectural term that refers to a particular type of angle.

Trench Collapses

Trench Collapses

Trenches have been used and formed by people for hundreds of years for many different purposes including, agricultural uses, and installing utilities and pipelines. The construction of trenches is not simply digging in the soil, as it comes with risks and hazards.

Basement Propping

Basement Propping

A strong basement construction of any building is necessary to provide a foundation strength that is required to keep the building standing through all types of weather and other environmental challenges. The proper planning of your basement construction must be done before you actually start the construction as small mistakes in form of collapses could cause you a loss for many coming years.

Hydrostatic testing

Hydrostatic testing

Hydrostatic testing is the most commonly used procedure for checking the performance of pressures vessels. This testing is especially brought into play to verify pressure vessels like cylinders, boilers and tubes either they have leaks or manufacturing flaws that may result in leakage.

What to Look for in a Construction Supplier

What to Look for in a Construction Supplier

Choosing the correct construction supplier plays an important role in the success of the job in hand. There are various factors to consider when offering a tender, some of which will be covered throughout this article.

Safety First – Excavation and Trenching

Safety First – Excavation and Trenching

When dealing with an excavation or trenching, safety must be of the highest importance. The following article discusses the dangers and protection when working with excavations or trenches.

Stoppers - A Guide to Size and Use

Stoppers - A Guide to Size and Use

Inflatable cylinder stoppers are used in construction during various phases of site preparation and in the building of long-distance supply lines. They can be used to test for both air and water leakage as well as to temporarily plug piping segments during repair.

What is Pressure Testing

What is Pressure Testing

Want to know the basics of pressure testing? It’s always useful to start from the beginning to understand what the term means. Pressure testing explained follows.

Basic Requirements of starting the process of Checking air pressure in Pipes

Basic Requirements of starting the process of Checking air pressure in Pipes

Pneumatic and Hydrostatic pressure testing can be hazardous and unsafe therefore the procedures need to be carried out with immense attention and with all precautionary measures.

Importance of Safety in Trench Excavation

Importance of Safety in Trench Excavation

Trenching and excavation activities are executed million of times around the world. Excavation is one of the most risky kinds of jobs in the construction industry and it becomes more dangerous while trench excavation is performed.

What is Trenchless Technology?

What is Trenchless Technology?

Trenchless technology is a relatively new method of installing and maintaining underground pipes and cables which does away with the need for excavation. So far it’s been successfully deployed across all types of underground utilities, including water pipes, sewers, gas pipes and electrical conduits.

What is Trench Shoring?

What is Trench Shoring?

Trenches are defined as being any below ground excavation which is deeper than it is wide. The deeper a trench the more dangerous it becomes, which is of particular significance for construction workers for whom trenches have become an industry staple.

How to Build a Small Bridge Over a Ditch

How to Build a Small Bridge Over a Ditch

Ditches can be immeasurably useful in ensuring the land remains flood-free, but they can also act as an annoying obstacle when you want to cross from one side to the other. If you need to get vehicles, equipment or large groups of people to the other side, you need a bridge that is going to guarantee stability at all times.

Build a Box Shoring

Build a Box Shoring

Box shoring is a type of excavation reinforcement which is most commonly used to secure lateral trench walls. They’re ideal for use when the excavation site floor is unstable, as they work by using spring mounted spindles and can be installed using a straightforward cut and lower technique. This also helps to minimise the size of the excavation area, which means the surrounding environment is less impacted than it otherwise might have been.

What is Vacuum Excavation?

What is Vacuum Excavation?

Excavation is necessary part of below-ground construction. It’s primarily used to create building foundations, but is also commonly during the laying and maintenance of below-ground pipe and cable systems.

Advantages of Trenchless Technology

Advantages of Trenchless Technology

Trenchless technology has become increasingly popular in the construction industry as it provides an environmentally and financially sound alternative to traditional excavation techniques. It comprises a collection of different construction methods.

Trench Shoring Requirements

Trench Shoring Requirements

Trench shoring is a common technique in below-ground excavation. It’s also one of the most dangerous aspects of construction work, which should therefore be approached with caution and foresight.

Types of Shoring Systems

Types of Shoring Systems

Shoring is a common technique used to reinforce below-ground excavations during construction projects, as well as to provide temporary reinforcement for above-ground structures which are in the process of being renovated or permanently reinforced by other means.

What is Shoring in a Trench?

What is Shoring in a Trench?

Trench excavations are a common sight in the construction industry. Most often used to facilitate the below-ground placement of wires, pipes and other modern facilities, they’re a practical solution made necessary by our increasing dependence upon modern technology.

What is a Temporary Bridge?

What is a Temporary Bridge?

“Temporary bridge” is a lay term for any floating, modular structure. They’re generally used during periods of construction, when regularly-available pedestrian or vehicular bridges have become inaccessible. They can also be used for events, and come in particularly handy when goods need to be transported to and/or from a rural location.

What is a Trench Box?

What is a Trench Box?

Excavation is one of the most fundamental aspects of modern construction. Not only do our buildings increasingly sturdy reinforcements, but modern inventions, such as telephone wires, domestic pipes and electrical grids, have also necessitated the development of more complex and permanent below-ground placement.

What is Pile Cropping?

What is Pile Cropping?

Concrete piles come in a variety of shapes and sizes and are used to establish a strong and stable foundation for buildings and other structures.

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